What You Need to Know About Eye Floaters
Floaters are visible strand-like cobwebs, specks, dots, or transparent strings of floating material, all varying in size and shape, floating right before your eyes. If you’ve experienced these intriguing yet sometimes annoying visual phenomena, welcome to the baffling world of eye floaters. At Total Eye Care, we are the trusted ophthalmology specialists in the Levittown, Newtown, and Lawrenceville areas, and we’re here to help you learn about these optical occurrences.
A Closer Look at Eye Floaters
For starters, eye floaters are not optical illusions or figments of your imagination. They are tiny spots or specks that float across your field of vision. Sometimes, they might appear as grey or black dots, lines, cobwebs, or rings that move when you move your eyes and seem to dart away when you try to look at them directly.
What Causes Eye Floaters?
As unusual as these visual floaters might seem, they’re normal and typically nothing to worry about. The inside of your eye is filled with a gel-like substance called vitreous. As we age, this vitreous can start to liquefy and clump together, casting shadows onto your retina, which is what you’re seeing as floaters.
However, eye floaters can indicate more serious eye conditions, such as retinal tears or detachment, eye bleeding, or inflammation in the back of the eye. So, when should you seek professional help?
When to Examine Your Eye Floaters With a Professional
If you’re like most folks in the Levittown, Newtown, or Lawrenceville areas, you’ve probably experienced floaters at some point. However, if you notice a sudden increase in floaters, especially if accompanied by flashes of light or loss of peripheral vision, it would be a good idea to call us at Total Eye Care.
Changes in floaters can sometimes signal severe conditions such as retinal detachment, which requires immediate medical help. For early detection and treatment, it’s essential to undergo regular eye examinations, especially if you are over the age of 50, or have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a history of eye trauma.
Keep an Eye on Your Vision With Total Eye Care
Whether you’re seeing cobwebs, spots, or strings, our expert team of ophthalmologists at Total Eye Care is committed to keeping your vision crystal clear. We offer insights on eye health and ophthalmic care at our centers in Levittown, PA, Newtown, PA, and Lawrenceville, NJ. We believe in delivering exceptional eye care services to our diverse community of patients.
Contact Us
Your vision matters to us. Don’t let those puzzling floaters keep you in the dark. Fill out our online contact form to book an appointment at any of our three locations today for a thorough eye exam, and let’s examine your eye floaters to ensure optimal eye health.